
Generic Name: Hayateen Murakkab
Declaration: Vitamin B, Multivitamin and Mineral
Indication: Nvit-B is an ideal nutritional therapy of natural extract, relives general weakness, effective for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Doses: Adult: 3-4 teaspoonfuls, 2-3 times daily and Children: 1 teaspoonful, 2-3 times daily or as directed by the physician.
Preparation: 100ml, 200ml and 450ml Syrup each pet bottle with a measuring cup.
Price: 100tk/200tk/350tk Tk.
Other Details:
Nvit-B is an ideal composition of different type of vitamins, minerals and herbs. It makes body active, correct digestive and liver disorders and increases appetite highly beneficial for pregnant and lactating mothers at the time of body growth. It is general tonic for all chronically wasting disease, anemia, and lack of vitality. It is always an ideal vitamin for all people.
Nvit-B is an ideal nutritional therapy of natural extract, relives general weakness, effective for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It is also effective on anemia during pregnancy period. Nvit-B increases stamina, relives stress and mental depression. It improves appetite, effective for strenuous exercises. It prevents loss of weight, effective for nervousness. Nvit-B helps to refresh physical and mental exhaustion.



Nature Pharmaceuticals (U) Ltd.
House # 11, Block # A, Road # 06,
Mirpur # 10, Dhaka-1216
Contact # 01715062178
Email: naturepl2015@gmail.com

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